Sunday, August 12, 2012

Kanez Medical Clinic

Yesterday was a full day of our medical clinic in Kanez. Kanez is a small fishing village just outside of Croix de Bouquets and borders Lake Azuei. Lake Azuei is full of tilapia and this is the way they survive on their little piece of earth. They are a precious group of people who have stolen my heart since my first visit to them back in the beginning of June. It was fun to use my medical training to help them and they were so appreciative! 

Our goal was to see all 55 families, check all of the children and adults, and get them the vitamins and medications that they need. Most families had 4-6 children... we saw everyone you do the math :) 

Fabiola and her mother at triage
Wideline - another one of my biggest fans yesterday! 
Dr Monique 
Moise - super cute little guy who fell in love with me :)

This little guy had a horrible skin infection all over his face, arms, neck. 

Juliana and her son Timothy

My sweet girl was such a trooper! So glad I am able to take her with me when I am working and ministering to her people! 

Rosemitha and her daughter Deborah. 

Phoebe and her new friend, Holly. Holly helped me with Phoebe so that I could triage :) 

this is how they pay in Kanez :)

My friends' humble homes

Lake Azuei

Luna and her sweet brother. 

One of the girls from our last team left money for us to hire a Haitian Doctor, purchase medicines & vitamins, and buy gas for us to do a clinic in Kanez. What a blessing it was to their people! We are looking forward to working with this sweet community more as a cistern is placed for them, a school is built, and hopefully a church so that Kanez and their sister community will have access to these basic needs. 

Please join me in praying for Kanez and her people!


  1. What beautiful people! And a beautiful update! Love you!

  2. thankful yall are able to go back & build relationships with them...and help fulfill all of their needs! :) Luna looks so sweet in that picture...too bad we can't hear her repetitive questions...haha! :) praying for this sweet community! :)
