Monday, August 6, 2012

Day by Day

Phoebe & Callie
 I am enjoying day by day with sweet Phoebe-Kate. She is learning, growing, and everything is so FUN for her right now. I wouldn't trade these days for anything. When I think about how things would be if she would have been released to me in the U.S. immediately... I am immediately thankful beyond words because I would not have this sweet time with her. Most likely I would be forced to go back to work after 6 weeks and she would be with a sitter due to the need to provide financially and me being a single mom. But because we are in Haiti (and I don't have the luxury of a paying job) I get to spend ALL of my days with my girl. And even when we are working with World Orphans... Phoebe is able to come with me! Perfect, right?? :)

We had a fun weekend and spent some time with new friends:

This is Phoebe's new friend Callie. Callie has lived in Haiti most of her life while her parents are on staff at Operation Blessing. We try to go out to the Lotz's house for pizze every weekend and over the last few weeks Phoebe and Callie have become buddies. I took Phoebe over early to the Lotz's house on Friday for a play date... they had so much fun!

This is the BEAUTIFUL view from our balcony in Delmas. 

I have recently discovered a love for capturing the little every happenings in life. Especially with Phoebe growing and changing so much EVERY DAY. I am finding that I don't want to miss out on one second! Here are some sweet moments from today :)

Sleeping Beauty :) 

Phoebe enjoying The Lion King on the DVD player Memaw Gladys sent for her! 

Popsicles make life a little bit better :)

Day by day I will continue to be faithful with what I have been given. Focusing on being a mommy to my precious girl and loving my neighbor. Thankful and honored to be here.


  1. Such a delightful update =) Phoebe is so stikin adorable! Can't wait to meet her one day. Thankful for all that mother daughter time you are able to have. Praying for you two and will continue. Love ya sweet sister ;)

  2. Thankful for this sweet time you have with her! Praying over your day-to-days.....knowing He is building a firm foundation in her through His love in you! Thankful you are her mommy...and thankful to be her Aunt! :) love you both!
