Friday, November 16, 2012

Tea Party with a Legend

Phoebe Kate and I make weekly visits up to the Baptist Mission in Fermanthe now that we live in the area… they have great food and the view is spectacular! Our last 3 visits have been quite different than the many others that we made prior to our move to the mountain.

About 3 weeks ago this sweet little lady walked up to my table while I was eating and started up conversation with my friends and myself. She wanted to know everything about us. Who we were, what we were doing here, who we are working with… pretty much everything :) I had no idea who she was until her grandson introduced her to us. I was talking to the founder of the Baptist Haiti Mission… and not just the founder… but a woman who forsake her own life and followed the Lord’s call to Haiti with her husband. Because of their simple act of obedience to go… there are hundreds of churches throughout the mountains of Haiti, there are many people of the community using their hands to work and provide for their families, there is a school educating the children of the community, and much, much more!
Eleanor Turnbull, Jessica, Sandrea, & Emma (our first encounter)
I was blown away by the kindness of this precious servant of God. Why would she want to know my story? --- She actually asks just about everyone that walks through the doors of the mission if she can catch you :) But even still, her kindness was overwhelming to me and so was her desire to network with other people working here in Haiti.

Over our next 2 visits, Mrs Eleanor Turnbull sought me out, recognized me and picked up in conversation right where we had left off. Only our third trip was different. She decided she was going to take me into the hospital and introduce me to all of the doctors that she knew and all of her friends :) I felt honored to be connected to these people who she loves so much! As if that wasn’t enough she took us to her apartment and insisted on having a tea party with us… and if any of you reading this have ever met Mrs Eleanor you know that you CANNOT say no to her :)

Eleanor giving Phoebe Kate her first lesson on tea party etiquette.
Pastor Wallace and Mrs Eleanor have become quite fond of Phoebe Kate and insisted that she call them “Grandma and Granpa”. Phoebe Kate did without much hesitancy. So we enjoyed an afternoon of tea and cookies with the Turbull’s. They offered much wisdom and guidance gained through 60+ years of living and working in Haiti. I feel like what I have learned from them is a treasure to hold on to. 

Pastor Wallace joined us for tea :)

 Phoebe Kate had never been to a tea party… so this was a very special tea party. A tea party with a legendary missionary of Haiti…  Eleanor taught her to hold the cup properly and how to sit with her feet on the floor.

“First things first.”

“I heard him call, that was all.
My gold grew dim.
I followed Him”

Tea party with a Legend. And Phoebe Kate has no idea :)

They might seem like simple statements…but they are packed full of meaning and experience. Jesus told us to have the faith of a child… and even as simple as a child’s understanding is, the level of complexity still astounds me sometimes.

Ann Vozkamp wrote something on her blog today that really resonated with me and some how ties into this in my mess of a brain.

We want clarity — and God gives a call. We want a road map — and God gives a relationship. We want answers — and God gives His hand.
Pearls of wisdom gained over tea. 

God is speaking to my heart through Eleanor. She heard God’s call on her life to come to Haiti. She didn’t know everything that the Lord was going to use her to do once she arrived. A call, His relationship to her and His hand were enough. And 60 years later she has no regrets.

So the next time my desire for clarity, the plan, the road map and answers come up… I will remember my time with Eleanor and trust that God’s call, His relationship, and His hand are enough. He is doing something beautiful… that I can rest in. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful! What a precious connection! God is so tender!
